Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The tongue seems to have separated from the brain, Sir.

Well, it has been a fascinating time in New Zild politics lately. The Don Brash/ John Banks formerly ACT party have continued on their road to self immolation  as the rodents end their cruise on the ship of Fules.
Firstly, most of their MP's had decided that they don't wanna do that parliament thing no more, what with the rules and THE MAN always puttin' them down. However Mr John Boscawen was going to fight on and stand in the general election later this year but NOW HE DOESN'T!!
This is due to the non-MP leader of ACT Don Brash whom the regular leader will be familiar with due to his hi-jacking a political party, kicking out the leader and snubbing the sitting MP's he doesn't like (some of them were pesky women, sheer conincidence) and then looking up with the blood dripping off his hands to say "Whaaaat!"
One of Don's best friends in politics was the person he deposed as ACT leader, Rodney Hyde, and since he has been shoe horned out, Donny got his old mate, his old pal, John Banks to try to win Rodney's seat of Epsom, in Auckland. 
But then Devilish Don came up with the master stroke: He is in favour of decriminalising Marijuana which is Banksy's sore point
The stance puts him directly against the views of Dr Brash, who at the weekend said his personal view was decriminalisation.
"So what?" said Mr Banks, a former police minister.
"So many of our vulnerable young people are at sea with alcohol and drugs and often both. They need life-rafts, not concrete boots."
Now, of course your ordinary person can see what Brasho is on about, but notice his emphasis
"The police and the courts spend some $100 million of taxpayer money a year enforcing this prohibition of a drug, believed by many people to be less dangerous than tobacco or alcohol. Is there really any point to this?"
It's the money innit.
I have to say that, given the current state of New Zild politics, this is about as good as it gets. It may keep the ACT party out of the wheelhouse after the election. Dunno, Banks will still probably take Epsom, his natural constituency. But it may keep the ACT vote so low that he is the only boxhead in there for them.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Act split makes hash of dope policy

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Smut Clyde said...

It's the money innit.

Case in point:
But Dr Brash received a surprise backer in former Federated Farmers boss Don Nicolson, the party's agriculture spokesman.
"I want New Zealand to have the debate. Because actually there is a massive potential in primary industry for growing pharmaceuticals."

When Brash picked Banksie to be the ACT candidate to be shooed into the safe rightwing-ratbag seat of Epson, he knew that (1) Banksie was not a member of ACT, and (2) Banksie is a social conservative whose entire moral philosophy is all about maximum gubblement intrusion into people's private lives, i.e. the opposite of ACT. Hilarity was bound to ensue.

Mentis Fugit said...

This is due to the non-MP leader of ACT Don Brash whom the regular leader will be familiar with due to his hi-jacking a political party, kicking out the leader and snubbing the sitting MP's he doesn't like
