Sunday, November 14, 2010

So it's more wittering, so?

One of the delights of these here paradisaical islands is the Commentariat. Them's what get paid to opine on New Zild and all the wonderfulness therein. Leader among them what share their wisdom with the great unwashed is Paul Holmes. A very experienced Tv and Radio presenter who has had the odd scrape with "Political correctness" Holmes went all quiet for a while but is now gracing TeeVee with his wit and wisdom. Yesterday was a highlight for me as I flicked around the TV channels between people getting killed in the English countryside and American reality shows about something or other.
The Holmes panel was discussing the report that got issued last week or so (covered on this blog) about tax cutting our way to wealth and such. They got onto employment and were talking about cutting benefits to the unemployed and he was talking to Fran O'Sullivan a business journalist of many good years standing.
PAUL One of the problems, we didn't get to it in the interview, is the medicalisation of the benefit problem.  The doctor says, 'I'll give you six more months,' with the medical certificate and so forth, instead of, 'Get off your arse and get out.'
FRAN I think there does need to be a bit more of that.  How the hell have we got to the-with this huge explosion of benefits over a 20-year period?
The previous question which they couldn't be arsed to answer because hopping into the young folks is much easier was from another panel member Jon Johanssen a political scientist of some renown.
But forget not that it is not just young people, Fran, it is also men and women aged 50 and 59, the biggest groups here, and as they try-How do they transition from one job to a life, you know, greater expectation of working, and how do we enable them to learn new skills for that to happen?

Fran also gave her laser-like analysis of how teh young folks act:
FRAN Yeah.  I think also what really didn't come up in the dialogue is the role of parents.  Why does a parent want some great, hulking youth hanging around the house, getting a benefit, eating the fridge, smoking dope with mates, going out in a car?  I mean, this is what happens.  Young people on the dole, they do not acquire it.  And I think there's gotta be a message to parents, 'Look, sorry-
These highly paid droolers have learnt nothing since 1970 when dole bashing was a national pastime. I despair at a country where morons like this get a national platform to air their rancid "ideas" and shout past anyone who asks a question about the real situation. Worthless, fucking, parasites.


Unknown said...

Maybe Paul and Fran wanna come over to ma place and tell me some shit?

Hamish Mack said...

You got some heads to talk to them, I think

Unknown said...

Hehe yep that's I was thinkin' maybe introduce them to Amygdala Head and Taunt Head...or better yet dripping merc head (Antinomy cover)...mawp.

Smut Clyde said...

That's the trouble with these baby-boomer media bludgers, they have no work ethic. They could be out looking for facts and new insights, but no, they're happy to sit around in the studio repeating the same opinions they've always had, and pocket the cheque at the end of the day. No ambition. Mind you, it's partly the blame of TV and the radio networks for making it so easy for them.

I think also what really didn't come up in the dialogue is the role of children and grandchildren. Why does a child want some great, hulking baby-boomer hanging around the house, getting a fat commentariat salary, eating the fridge, smoking dope with mates, going out in a car? I mean, this is what happens. Old people in the media, they do not acquire it. And I think there's gotta be a message to children.

Unknown said...

What you all don't appreciate is the level of Life Perfection (caps is this poetry I see?)that Old Media Bludgers (OMB's) have acquired over a lifetime of not having to engage with RL, see? Gettit?
They are perfect, and you are not mmmmkay?

drulant, insect pron

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It's sad to see that the same kleptocrat apologists who infect our discourse here are ubiquitous abroad.

P.S. ubiquitous abroad...sounds dirty, ehh?

Hamish Mack said...

It is the new Riddled Interpretive Dance (RID) group name, now.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

....American reality shows about something or other.

The Walking Dead is on tonight.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Perhaps TV punditry should be made illegal and see how they like it.

Smut Clyde said...

the same kleptocrat apologists who infect our discourse

I'm not sure if the professional opinioneers who clutter up NZ bandwidth are there as apologists for establishment criminals, so much as remind the listeners of whatever smug certainties are currently the received wisdom among the middle class, so that listeners know what to think on any given subject.

When a radio bloviator cites "everyone knows that..." as an authoritative source more than twice in an hour,* I know it's time to turn off the radio and crank up the Motorhead, because I'm not part of the intended audience.

* Linda Clark was a caution for that. See also under "Chris Laidlaw".

Unknown said...

I have received news of my new appointment as bloviator for a really widely read paper place;, my new articles will be based around the following, for which I hope to receive lots of money and friends in high places,
1. Paul Henry is Paul Revere*
2. There are heaps of problems out there and I will explain that for you.
3. Some people are stupid, except us, well me really.
4. There is no agenda, I am not wearing shorts though, at all.
5. A very nasty end awaits you all, I have the secret to that, I may tell you later.
6. Repeat point number 1. *
7. Have you seen my shorts?

* I don't need to explain any of this shit OK?

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I don't think we WANT you to explain any of that.

Although I suspect mikey could weave a compelling anecdote around those items.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

merc's got one heckuva newsletter.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Why does a parent want some great, hulking youth hanging around the house, getting a benefit, eating the fridge, smoking dope with mates, going out in a car?

I was born in the wrong country.

Smut Clyde said...

I myself am a Liechtensteiner stuck in the body of a NZer, but do I get sympathy??

Unknown said...

As you well know, calling for sympathy in this country is going to get you,
a/ on Holmes for a pillorying.
b/ well covered if you know where the bodies are buried.

nation, wtf?

Hamish Mack said...

DON"T EAT THE FRIDGE!! you kids, dammit